It is an ongoing temporary position but the pay is more than I have ever been paid before… £17 per hour. Obviously the take home pay will be less. I was a bit hesistent with the pay being so high because it may be more stressful than I want but I want to give it ago
Congratulations @anon25873142!
Thank you I am so excited!
That’s great news!
Can I ask which job or what kinda job it is.
Congratulations on the new job @anon25873142 ! And that’s a nice salary. I hope you enjoy the work and your new colleagues.
Its basically Administrative and Reception work for a family hub service.
That’s really cool.
I’m happy for you
Thank you @Zoe and @Jonathan2
It wasn’t even a proper interview more like a chat and she was like the smile got me the job.
Man £17 is amazing.
I’m currently getting less than £10 pounds
Though there will be a pay rise coming up.
That’s such a nice compliment.
But I will be taxed much more heavily and I was not getting taxed when I was earning £11 an hour in my last role (it was part-time)… I feel the more the pay the more stressful it is likely to be … (hope not) because I want to stick this one out.
Are you temping too?
I was nervous I think I smile more when I am nervous.
Yea £17 is good. Hopefully it won’t be too challenging. I personally hope you will manage well. It may be challenging at the start though. Most jobs can be. As you are learning everything. Don’t let that put you off. My job was so effing tough in the start but I stuck with it and now I’m liking it more and more (except I’ve been eating too much lol but that will be dealt with).
My role is permanent.
You are in a much better place to be honest. You have job stability. If my job goes perm I would be earning much less as the agency told me this.
But even if you earn less later on, you have got a job and considering your recent circumstances that is something you can be really proud of
One step at a time.
The fact you got a job is absolutely great
Especially during these pandemic times it’s not easy to find.
Let’s hope this pandemic mess sorts itself out soon.
really nice that you got the job!
congratulations =)
Yea I have job stability but I think you’ll be okay too. Even if you start out with temp to temp for now and then find a cool permanent role as your confidence grows after your recent circumstances
@anon25873142, That’s how it tends to work I suppose
After my relapses, I did like 3 jobs each for 2 months or less until I got this permanent role
Congratulations! I’m happy for you
Congratulations, @anon25873142!
Thank you @lekkerhondje , @LilyoftheValley and @Pandy