So, who wants to make money?

Interesting. If I had the money I might follow your advice. There is one technological area that I’ve wondered about investing in. It’s new material called “graphene”. It’s supposed to be some kind of amazing new material that is going to transform the world. I think the process is being held up by the inability to produce graphene on an industrial scale. I guess if you’re greedy, the right way to invest would be on the group that produces graphene, but there are probably very lucrative graphene products you could invest in down the line. If this stuff is as amazing as they say it is then there ought to be some incredible investment properties in making it and working it.

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Sounds foolish to me. The only investements I make are with my ABLE account. I’ve invested 35% of my total savings in the vanguard life strategy growth fund. Im not telling anyone else what to do with their money because it’s not my place.

As long as the market returns to normal it will gradually increase over time. It’s not something that’s going to happen over night.

I remember the whole bitcoin craze it reached a peak and then everything crashed. Cryptocurrencies most of them are just ponzy schemes. It’s to risky.

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Yea I lost my bitcoin pw to my 80 000$ bitcoin wallet.

Your not the first or the last whose had that happen to them. There’s oodles amount of other stories of people who lost their cryptocurrency wallet or it got hacked into and stolen.

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