So tired lately

It’s odd…

I haven’t been doing much this past week… and I’ve been feeling so heavy and tired all the time.

Which makes it hard for me to get up and going… and the motivation slides…

I’ll keep an eye on it…

It’s odd to say… but I hope I’m getting a common cold and not hitting a negative swing.

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I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s probably just a passing phase.

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Yes, this shall pass, everyone has ups and downs, we’re just more conscious about them.

Best of luck J


Been In the same boat. Seem to be getting a bit better now though.

Hope you get some energy soon

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Get some rest, hopefully it’ll help you feel better soon.

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Why not take some extra sleep and see if that helps.


I slept for like 16 hours today. I find if I choose not to get up on a normal schedule I could sleep forever

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Well, 16 hours it would give me a headache.

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Hang in there man… winter will pass… that spring time breeze and sunlight is always easier to move about in…

You haven’t mentioned it in a while, but how’s the thing going with the neighbor?

I’m hoping something like that didn’t set you in a depressive slump.

Remember where you came from and how bad things used to be… don’t take your current life for granted.

It’s sad that when people succeed there seems to be a tendency to lose sight of the value of that success.

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I’m sure it’s just a temporary change in the wind.

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have you ever had it where you over sleep and feel even more tired?

I hate it when that happens.


Too much sleep gives me a headache too. I use aspirin.


you have ’ flat ’ effect because you are tired…
a few good sleeps
healthy food
soothing music
hope you are feeling better soon :heart:
take care :alien:


Sending a hug your way.

And a case of Red Bull.



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Too much of the time, I’m pretty boring tired . . .


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I hope you get better soon…youre an asset to this forum

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Avolition maybe? Try exercising. Do something you enjoy doing. I don’t know what. Exercise always brightens my spirit.

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