That sounds like the punch line of a joke.
Haha. Tru dat
That was a whole adventure! Lol silly pig
She got stuck under my dad’s trailer a few months ago. Daddy had to dig a hole underneath the trailer to get her out. They say pigs are smart…
Oh my, yeah maybe not the brightest of them. Still good for a laugh and a story.
Does she have a name?
My dad calls her Precious
That’s country entertainment.
it was funny. Poor pig and she’s pregnant according to my dad.
Perhaps that piggly should have tried a little wiggly.
Awww, poor
Awww poor little piggy…
Yeah, olives are going to be the death of me yet.
Omg! I laughed sooooo hard at this. The little piggy is okay, right?
Yeah. She’s fine. We took a saw and cut her out
Omg…I thought you were telling a joke. This is too funny and post of the year so far for sure. Especially with pictures
No. It really happened
awww poor pig…don’t slaughter it !! keep it as a pet please…
My dad has no intention of slaughtering it. She’s a pet. Plus she’s pregnant. At least my dad says she’s pregnant.