I do like me some paypal for internet shopping. It’s protected and never had a problem but it’s all simple and easy. So…today I found out I can buy stuff on steam with paypal! What a revelation!
Usually I just use my card and I get hit with a foreign charge because steam is like US. Well I think I can avoid that charge by paying with paypal and not the debit card. It’s visa debit. I am too poor to have a credit card…
So. Yay me. I save a $1 every time I buy steam games!
Hmm last thing I bought were 2 5ml perfume oils I was allowed to use my moms credit card for it and then I etransfered her because I refuse to use my only credit card anymore I want to pay it off and get rid of it
Rpg’s and strategy games. Just picked up a 75 % off Company of heroes 2 expansion I didn’t have for $5.99. Gotta love that and I don’t pay my banks surcharge on overseas transactions.
Nah. Not really my cup of tea. I’m a solo rpg player. Multiple person games would spoil my wonder. I would rather beat myself than other people who hack or are just dheads. So solo rpgs and strategy/wargames are where I spend my time!
Theres a cool strat game that was released years ago and was recently redone called war of conquest, but its all about multiplayer amd stealing land. Still cool though