So my sister in law got thrown in the ER at the mental hospital, and her results came back normal. So I forgot to mention before that she is a huge hypochondriac. She also takes on your ailments. Like I told her about my costochronditis and now she’s going around saying she has it. I had no idea she had so much baggage. She’s expecting us to pay her $350 car payment and insurance while she’s in mental hospital. We just paid 450 to care for her sick dogs. One had worms and they both had fleas which we had to help with because we have animals too. She said this is why no one has helped her in years.
I wouldn’t pay her car payment. How did that become your problem? Why are the dogs your problem? Are they staying with you or something? That sounds bad, of course you would want to help the animals, but I mean, why is it on you?
Because she didn’t want to get rid of them and they’re staying here because she lost her home, because she didn’t pay the rent. We’re talking to her social worker about putting her in a group home and having the dogs sent to an animal farm. She expects things to be done for her because she’s been bailed out before. That’s why no one wants to help her, because people always have to get her out of these situations. I told my husband we’d help her find treatment, but we don’t have money to give. Not even our savings. I see now that she’s gotten herself into a bad situation for years and expects other to bail her out. I didn’t see it before but now I do.
That sound terrible. Your in a hard situation now.
I am. My husband is going to talk to her social worker about getting power of attorney. She understands now that someone needs to take care of her finances, her whole life basically. So we’re not just helping, we’re going to change her life and decisions. It is tough right now, but hopefully she’ll follow our lifestyle and guidance to finally have a stable life. But the baggage part is too much. We just now told her, she’s going to lose her stuff, we won’t pay for storage or anything else. I’m trying to rationalize it, but it is a bit overwhelming. I hope this works.
Oh God! I’m so sorry. You must be stressed to the max.
Yeah, well she is in hospital and they’re doing ECT Which is shock therapy. She may forever be changed, we’ll have to see. I know her grandma had it and it practically made her into a child. But nothing else could help the depression. No else has ever done this for her, which I myself understand, not many wanted to help me either. But I’m stable now, have a job, and can care for my children. I still get some symptoms but if I do, I take time for me to catch back up. That’s why I helped her out, because I got better.
Thanks for talking with me about it. That helps me a lot.
You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re helping her but remember to take care of yourself too.
Thanks, I will.
Do I act like a child? I’ve had 3 series of 6 weeks of ECT for depression. Unless you’ve had it, you probably need to amend your post, or move it to unusual beliefs.
It’s safe
Its effective
Its humane
It’s why i stopped attempting suicide, repeatedly
I’m only speaking about her grandmother. Not anybody else. She did act child like after the treatment. I’m not going to retract what I said happened to this person. I wasn’t talking about everybody else.
I didn’t know of any success stories for ECT. It always seemed barbaric to me but if it worked for you I guess I should change my stance on it.
@Cici2 reading your post I can’t figure out what her ailment is. Is it just depression? I’m sorry you’re on the hook, it’s asking a lot for someone with sz/sza to be a caretaker in any capacity. Hopefully things will reach a positive resolution.
She has manic depression bipolar and either has hypochondria or Munchausen, they’re keeping an eye on that at the hospital. We know she’s always talking about her ailments and takes on other’s ailments. Like I told her I heard voices since I was 8 years old and she suddenly became bipolar at 8. I told her to give me a minute, my costochronditis is acting up and then she said she had costochronditis. It’s strange. Is it attention seeking behavior or real anxiety. We don’t know.
People hesitate to admit they’ve had ECT because of the STIGMA. You’re under anesthesia. You may have headaches. If you’re treatment resistant, it may be the last hurrah. And, it may or may not work.
It sounds as if your sister in law is an unhappy person. Sorry.
I have trouble dealing with folks who are needy and want something from me that costs me money.
To quote someone else, “The poor will always be with us.”
ECT is only considered when everything else fails because of bad effects on memory. Yes its been proved scientifically to reduce suicidal thoughts, severe treatment-resistant depression and catatonia but its use in SZ is not proved scientifically. Sadly some doctors especially in Europe still use it for SZ. Psychiatrists weight the benefits of ECT over the consequences of not doing it like death from suicide, catatonia and severe treatment-resistant depression.
I would rather loose some unimportant memories than being suicidal, catatonic or severly depressed.
If anyone wants to ask questions, fire away. Thanks, Aziz!
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