So my friend messaged me for my birthday and

I got the feeling that we lost our natural connection

I’m kind of not so surprised

We are very different

And I just feel I’m not her cup of tea anymore.

I don’t think I will message her again as I feel I’m not what she needs and I don’t like playing desperate

We used to be close.

She was my friend at university.

Have you peeps lost friends after sz but not been overwhelmingly surprised?


OH… I miss read that completely!!!

I thought the topic was “So my friend massaged me for my birthday and”… :rofl:

I was so confused by your post. Oh…

I’m sorry that you are feeling that way. I truly am. Do you know why you were such good friends in the first place? Maybe you can talk to her about those things and see if your and her perspectives have changed?

Yeah, Im 47yrs and lost all friends…
Not just illness, all were toxic…
Prepare for more of that…
Not only friends, family too…

I have lost friends but also made new ones.

I’ve lost all my friends except 1 I will probably lose that friend too

I wouldn’t give her up. Maybe that’s just me. It gets harder to make new friends the older you get. If she sent you a message she obviously cares about you. And you did go to university together and have history together.

It’s her choice to decide if you are her cup of tea or not, you shouldn’t make that choice for her. Does she live near you? It’s easier to maintain a friendship if you get to meet once in a while.

I closed a friendship with someone I had known since highschool many years back, but that was because he called me up almost every day even though he didn’t really have anything to say. I think he was just killing time while he walked home from work. So he would call me almost every day. I told him not to, it was too much. I probably told him 10 times, but he just kept calling. So I decided to end the friendship since he couldn’t respect my wishes. But that’s a lot different I guess. Sometimes I feel a little bad about it. He was a outsider at school and in his adult life as well…but what can you do.

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So funny you said that. I’ve recently “lost” a friend I’ve known since I was 17 but I was definitely not overwhelmingly surprised.

It was nothing to do with schizophrenia, the guy just isn’t very pleasant. I’m done with him.

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It was nice that she messaged you on your birthday. Are you sure things were negative on her end? It’s hard to read peoples intentions and meaning over text messages. I hope you and your friend keep in touch. We need friends.


I’ve lost touch with all of my childhood friends.
A lot of it is on my end.

I’d give the relationship a vacation. Take a break from her. Take a breather. You’re choking on her now. You probably aren’t thinking too clearly about her now. You need some time and some space.

Happy birthday @Zoe if it was your b-day!!

Sometimes people are just busy and caught up with their personal lives… you need not worry.

Hey thanks for all the replies. I have trouble replying sometimes but I didn’t ignore these posts


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