I’m in a HUGE amount of pain in my lower abdomen where my womanly parts are and after research on my own medical records and WebMD and google I actually think I may have a clue as to what’s going on, mind you I do have an appointment with a doctor Monday. So starting on the 9th I had a lot of white discharge and the pain started and it’s been getting worse, I now can’t sleep and still hurt and have nausea and yadda yadda yadda well I looked on WebMD symptom checker and typed in all my symptoms and it said my most likely thing is endometriosis and so I thought back and I could have sworn that my doctor had said I had cysts on my ovaries and so I went back through the tests ran on me and found I had complained about my lower abdomen quite a bit over the past two or three years… Idk this just seems to weird… Anyways now I am sitting here unable to sleep trying to ease my pain with a heating pad praying this works because this hurts soooo bad
I hope your pain goes away!
I’m so sorry. That sounds terrible. I hope you feel better asap.
@TheCanuk and @Montezuma thanks guys, it really sucks so far and I can’t get to stop hurting at all so far… I wish I didn’t hurt… I always worry someday everything is gonna be to much for my husband and he’ll leave… I’m scared… I’ve put him through so much and I know there is only so much he can take… Idk what to do…
Don’t worry, I’m sure your husband loves you and he took a vow to you. Just rest and maybe try to get some sleep. It’s pretty late here in the US.
@Montezuma I hope he still does… I live in Arkansas so it’s 1:50 am atm
Hang in there. You’re doing the right things by taking steps to get medical care. Keep the communication channel open with your husband. Your at a low point right now but better times are ahead.
@Unclehenry I’m trying… I feel like he’s shutting down now though, if he leaves I’ll be crushed but I know I’d have my mom still so it’s not like I would lose everything again
I’m sure he does. It might just be some paranoia creeping in. We’re under the same time zone. Just try and relax. I’m sure things will work themselves out.
@Montezuma you’re probably right… My anxiety and such had been really high since the pain started… I tried a CBD cigarette and it helped taking the edge off of the anxiety but that’s about it.
It’s pretty cool we are in the same time zone
I can only hope
Yeah, sometimes the body can effect the mind and such. At least the CBD helped out with the anxiety. Yeah I’m located in the Midwest. We’re under central time.
@Montezuma as my mom has always said, “it’s all connected” and unfortunately pain can take a huge toll on your mind and body
Yeah CBD is all I have for my anxiety at this point and it helps pretty well
I have PCOS so I understand the pain. If you have a cyst, sometimes it will be so painful, especially if it bursts. Definitely see doctor on Monday. You could try some pelvic floor therapy moves. Lying on the side with the cyst helps too. Keep your bladder empty as much as possible. Take Tylenol and ibuprofen, too. If it doesn’t provide enough comfort, then you should see a doctor before Monday.
@anon55031185 I don’t think it burst since I have no blood and no bruising under the skin that I can see and apparently one of the first symptoms of endometriosis is lower abdomen pain and cysts since the pain started I’ve sweated a lot on and off and I haven’t had a fever through any of this so I don’t think I have an infection and heat seems to be easing some of the pain so I might be able to actually sleep
Omg this sounds serious.
Glad you’ve got a dctr appointment so soon.
I’m sure they’ll find out what this is
@Zoe I’m sure I’ll be okay and I’m glad I have an appointment as well and I’ll keep y’all informed… The pain is better but I still can’t sleep, even with my sleeping pill
Yes please keep us informed.
I’m sure you’ll be okay too.
@Zoe I’m glad I looked up how to ease the pain… It helped some at least… Not all of it but some
@Zoe @anon55031185 @Montezuma @Unclehenry @TheCanuk so I have a bit of an update! I have a bacterial infection and they gave me a REALLY strong Antibiotic that I take once and it should take care of it and I should be feeling better in a few days! Right now I feel like crud, my stomach hurts and I have really bad gas that stinks worse than any gas I’ve ever had in my life and I was once nicknamed the sewer! Another thing is that this is my new doctor is actually trying to figure out what’s wrong with my stomach! He took a bunch of blood so far and is sending it to the lab and I should find something out something relatively soon! Hopefully I’ll find something out!
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