I don’t know why we were rarely given to smoke at a hospital, I almost punched a guard for not letting me to smoke, same happened with another dude who got pissed when he wasn’t allowed to smoke for 6 hours. Smoking really helps, same with coffee, at least I am able to sit down after a cup of coffee and not being constantly in my bed. What do you think?
I spend most of my free time smoking and drinking coffee.
I kinda like doing it, especially when I wake up really early in the morning
They banned smoking on wards where I live. I will do my best never to return as I would not cope with these new smoking rules well at all.
When I was 17 and went to adult psych they had an indoor smoking room ffs with nice seating and a tv
Smoking is a Drug
Caffeine is a Drug?.
Either Way Yum!.
Food in Any Way Inserts Energy. (Jus as Bad as Legal Drugs)?.
Maybe Even Good as Legal Drugs?.
Each Has it’s Downfall
Live in Moderation
Thee End
In the Danish mental wards you can smoke all you want. At least in the low security wards.
It doesn’t mean smoking is good for you. It means withdrawal will ■■■■ you up, and easing the symptoms of withdrawal can help. Not smoking or consuming caffeine is still healthier.
They Did Away With The Smoking in Facilities Where I’m At.
Used to (Back in The Day), 7 Smoke Breaks Each Day.
No One Complained… . …
Smoking is toxic and deadly.
I smoke a pack a day so(2 minutes per cigarette) 20 cigarettes…so that is 40 minutes of smoking per day. So therefore it gives me something to do. I would have killed myself if I didn’t smoke a pack a day.
Seriously You Need to Slow Down on Your Consumption of Smokes
I don’t have a choice because, I would have killed myself…and I can tell without a doubt.
Feel you, I’m on a pack a day myself? It’s the first thing I do when I wake up
I believe that I’m not going to get affected with smoking physically, because I believe(I can’t say on this site) because I don’t have anything else to do.
I’ve been smoking for at least 8 years and I still don’t have smoker’s cough.
Diseases can be silent but deadly.
Faith can’t save you from cancer. If it could, I wouldn’t have gotten it. And my dad, grandma, and grandpa wouldn’t have died of it. The only way to avoid smoking related disease is to stop smoking. And get therapy and meds to help with the suicidal thoughts.
Or be like Barney Stinson;
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