I’m starting to smoke weed more frequently and it’s really making my social awkwardness worse I need to slow down and I have I’ve been taking it like medication one to two hits every hour or so
That’s not good. Weed is bad for sz’s. You really need to cut back.
I would smoke weed if I could.
After I took loads of LSD, I was starting to hallucinate off weed.
Swear LSD re-wires your brain like that in some people.
Cannot touch weed anymore without making myself very paranoid
Shame as it was my favourite hobby growing up
If I took a shot of alcohol every hour or so I would be described as an alcoholic, however for some reason if I was to take a toke every hour or so, a pot smoker doesn’t treat their mental addiction as something as serious.
It may be true that cannabis doesn’t harm the liver as alcohol does, but it affects the mind just as much as alcohol does.
If perhaps you treated pot the same way as an alcoholic drink and say have a tipple at night and not during the day you might get a grip on it.
Don’t get me wrong, I was an avid toker. I lived for the stuff. I’d wake up during the night and smoke. For some reason I didn’t consider it like alcohol either. It consumed my every waking hour. While it is true I had a lot to escape I never considered it at the time to be bad for me.
It made me lazy, apathetic and not care about anything. I didn’t do anything but visit coffeeshops in Amsterdam at Uni. I think back to see how it consumed my life and all it was was escapism from my childhood.
Why are you escaping with it? Perhaps if you could identify it then you wouldn’t need to smoke as much.
I escape cause of the past. I’ve figured what the root problem is along time ago just started dealing with it recently
I hallucinated heavily from weed.
Hope your able to reel the habit back in
Weed makes me violent and I break mirrors, walls, attack my family, hallucinate with every sense like smelling things that aren’t there, etc
You could do this amazing thing called EMDR on yourself at home. It is just a matter of thinking about the trauma while watching a light and alternating sounds in the left and right ear. You could youtube it which is what I did after reading a book about it.
What this does is process the trauma into your mind. It is like this trauma exists as a separate part of you and the subconscious mind does everything to not deal with it, like the need to escape with drugs. Doing this simple process doesn’t eliminate the memory, but allows the mind to connect the traumatised memories together.
After a few sessions and a few days to process in the mind, it allows you to think about the trauma without getting stressed about it. This in turn allows you to deal with life rather than escape from it and lessens the need to do drugs as much.
See a professional EMDR therapist if you can, but if not possible read about it and give it a try.
That’s what I was doing. I started when the pandemic started, and just quitting now.
Friday morning I got rid of the last of my stash. I also got rid of all of my paraphernalia. I can’t have weed and not smoke it.
I was only using for like 8 months so withdrawal aren’t too bad for me. I had to call my psych to get a sleep aid though…
Idk dude… sounds like you have something you need to figure out. But it sounds like your concerned about it.
I had a certified EMDR therapist. While it did help in a small way, I still couldn’t handle the memories and attempted suicide multiple times during and after.
Needless to say, I’m not doing EMDR anymore.
It’s not a good idea to mix our med’s with mind altering substances. I probably did lasting damage to my body when I was drinking.
Life on meds only can be very boring.
Better than being dangerous without meds for me.
Yes, ofc when you get dangerous with drugs and alcohol don’t take it.
I am dangerous to my family even without drugs when without my meds. But yeah drugs and alcohol make it worse.
Did you tried angermanagement. I had three helpful threapysessions.
With meds I am not violent, my anger threshold is higher on meds. Without meds my mind is too disorganized and out of reality to do therapy.
I am sorry to hear that you went through that ordeal.
I have a really positive experience from it where as you had the opposite. It is not easy accessing memories and dealing with trauma, however for most the processing of trauma has been seen to work scientifically. For most it is better than running away from it and using drugs instead.
In your case it wasn’t and for that I shouldn’t recommend it to others so flippantly. Sorry.
I’ve also had ECT, a controversial treatment for depression. Some say that it’s barbaric, but I was attempting suicide every few weeks, and nothing was helping.
I’m not offended AT ALL about what you’re saying about EMDR. I just have so much trauma. I think it’s good for standard PTSD.