So I'm a little delusional

Right now I’m a little delusional and unstable. What do you Guys do when that happens? Except of taking your meds (obviously)

Do you have someone you can talk to about it? What about writing it all out in a journal or making some art (doesn’t have to be good) about it?


I second the art idea. It really really helps. I suggest drawing a flower or something.


how so?


Derailing thread: I like your art, @Moon

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I once made asmall tapestry by weaving while psychotic. It got me out of my head while I was working and it took me about 10 hours to complete.


Thank you do much :grin: it’s about the process not the end result too! Art therapy is amazing

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That sounds like it would be very effective. Are there ways for @anon8091425 to weave without any special equipment? Do you just need yarn?

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I did one painting/collage while manic,

it was on 9-1-1.

I think it was found to be too offensive,
removed from this site.

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I try to focus on my craft … it takes my mind off things for a little while and helps me feel relaxed.

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When I was delusional there wasn’t much I could do. My mom would tell me what I believed wasn’t true and I tried to concentrate on other things, but it was persistent. It really was the meds hat helped the most.


You need a loom which really varies in price depending on size. I got a decent sized loom at goodwill so I got lucky. Craft stores sell them usually.
You can also get a crochet hook which is super cheap and try to learn that.
Fiber arts has been the most therapeutic for me

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I can just imagine how therapeutic it would be, the repetitive motion. It’s kind of like knitting or crocheting. Maybe I should try that. I’ve never done it before.

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