So I got my results in

I was diagnosed with esophagitis and my asthma has gotten worse. My doctor told me to stay in more than ever and to stay away from sick people, like we’ve been doing. She thinks the Covid19 made it worse. :fearful: And if the virus comes back I may be looking at getting intubated instead of just oxygen.

And what’s making me so mad is people are still going out and hanging out. They don’t listen to the stay in home orders.


Police here are enforcing social distancing with tickets and fines :sweat:


People in my state today are protesting the governor stay at home orders because they include not having groups in ones own home and no motorized boats etc. they are angry that the rules are too strict. I think they’re just right.


People here aren’t listening to the orders given. They keep saying it’s fake news to scare us. 🤦

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I don’t understand. You tested negative for covid19 didnt you?

It makes me mad too.

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I wear cream on my face so I don’t touch my face plus I keep distance, lots of people received fines here.

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No I was positive. I asked if one could be reinfected and she said scientists are finding that it stays in your system and flares up. So you could have it and it reactivate again. If that’s the case I’m a goner. Which is why she told me to not go out at all. She ordered more blood tests to keep an eye on inflammation or infection. And she’s asked if a phlebotomist come take my blood. People poking fun, and making jokes has gotten glum. I don’t want to die. My county is preparing with refrigerated trucks for the dead. :cry: All this scares me. Also, the dry cough is slowly coming back. Headaches are back too.

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I’m so sorry @Cici2. I hope you get over it. I’ll pray for you.


Thank you. I hope I can survive this.


Oh geez. I missed that. I thought you got the all clear. You’re a fighter and you’ll be ok. I promise.


Please take at least 200 mg Vitamin C and 2000 IU Vitamin D. Also, Zinc. These help your body’s antiviral system.


I stay on bus wearing my mask. People around me were not wearing their masks. Don’t get onto a bus folks.

Sorry to hear you don’t feel good.hugs

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That’s so stupid of them to call it fake news.

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I know right? 🤦

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