So , i created a topic , but didn't appear on the list

sorry for double posting , i have had this like you say “unusual thoughts” for a couple of years now , so much and so intense i’m used to them , but i still can’t guarantee they will strike and cause me to react , so i lock myself up basically 24/7 , it’s miserable i know but i can’t think of anything better , my thoughts are mainly around me being followed everywhere i go everything i do , what do you think?

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thought i would say hi.
no one is following you it is rubbish, go outside , walk in nature i always find this calming.
what you are feeling is normal, i did the same thing…but low and behold no one is following ’ me '.
know some one cares.
take care

I think it is unlikely that too many folks would want to follow you or me.


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Thanks for the kind replies i guess , it is always heartwarming to hear no one is following you

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