So have unplugged the tv in the bedroom

I want to stop watching tv in bed


Why whats so bad about it? Does it talk to you?

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No but I don’t think it is good for my sleep. I have a tv in the livingroom just gonna watch that

My tv is dead :frowning: Is your tv digital or analogue, does it have a satellite or aerial;?;

Is digital aerial (terrestrial)

Tv in bed aint so bad i find it helps me alot. If it was talking to you maybe so but it doesnt so keep it

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I always need tv to help me fall to sleep. I need to listen to something to distract me from thinking. I will set the timer for auto shut off.

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I used to think there were cameras in the TV. I finally cancelled satellite service. Anyone else?

I never watch tv in bed, but yeah used to think they could see me, especially the news people

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The bedroom TV was old, and it’d turn off and on by itself… lol

That would make even a normie wonder.

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My bed is adjustable with a remote, it would go up and down on its own while sleeping had to unplug it lol


Didn’t that freak your freak? Omg lol too cute

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Yeah it freaked me out, never plugged it in again

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The first time the tv went off and on the first time, I looked in the br mirror to see if there was anything wrong with my eyes lol

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They can see us through the tv i know this and they can hear us too thats why i masturbate infront of tv i know they watching and it kinda turns me on lmao :wink:

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