So have given in and closed my windows

In summer my bedroom windows are open 24/7. Few folk have AC in the uk so I cool down with open windows.

But there is a chill in the air so have closed the windows and turned on the heating thermostat


Yeah, it is getting chilly out here too in Iowa USA.


We broke down and did that 2 days ago.

But we had screens in our windows. Still not letting that one go.


I would lol at your comment ninja but the ant hive which has invaded my flat via the unscreened windows would disapprove

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Ugh ants. We have to spray for ants every few months because otherwise they’ll eat out whole house.


They eat wood and stuff?


Yeah. Do your ants not eat wood?

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I actually don’t have any ants. I was being a smart ass. Man I would hate ants. So they get through the screen doors?

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They eat the outside of the house. Glad to hear you dodged them, though!

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They can enter through small openings, single file. I’ve watched.

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Dang that sucks. … i did a job a few weeks ago where they had termites… had a bay window put in and it wasn’t installed properly so now their house is being eaten …shesh what do you do


I’m not sure if all ants do but carpenter ants do. I believe they’re larger that typical ants and eat the wooden studs and stuff in your walls lol

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Its been cold here but i still haven’t had the heating on and i don’t want to put the heating on either so i’m going to put a heated blanket on if i need to stay warm.

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It’s been “chilly” enough here for the past few days to actually keep the A/C off during the day. I still have it on at night while I sleep, because I get too warm otherwise.

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We’ve been freezing to death for weeks. I woke up to the whole place covered in ice crystals this morning. My kitty was like oh hell no I’m not going out in that crap.

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