Last I remember is about 3pm on Saturday. Remember some of Sunday evening.
Am lucid now but still a bit confused. Weird.
I checked my meds and the Doset box says they have been taken as normal.
I have never had anything remotely like this.
The only factor I can think of is I quit tobacco cold turkey on Friday evening. Do you reckon this could possibly be responsible?
Think I should contact my mental health nurse?
Thanks for your time. J
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man, I d k…maybe something is like in your brain wrong…maybe ask your nurse if it’s a sign of anything…
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To be honest, I don’t think tobacco withdrawal would be responsible for your “brown-out” @anon94176359 .
A brown-out is almost like a blackout, but not as severe, btw.
I’ve had a couple of those myself, but usually drink was involved.
I hope it’s just a one-time thing for you, and I would let a medical professional know what happened as well.
Take care
Thank you so much for the replies @jukebox @Schztuna
August 2, 2021, 12:48pm
You been sleeping ok? - maybe you unknowningly dozed off in the chair.
Cant see it being the ciggies TBH. Assuming you had your jag on time as well? - or maybe your due soon and its running low?
Try not to worry about it? Frankly i get that all the time - you stressing over it, aint gonna help your MH.
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If it you feel you need a bit of help, there’s no shame in seeking it out I say. I myself am waiting for the doctor’s office to open so I can get medication pronto. I was supposed to receive ten days of meds upon release but the authorities failed to do so. I mean I did get released but it’s been tough few days being unmedicated, I’m worried but it is Monday so I should have a chance to get some samples at least from my primary care doctor.
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Yeah I agree I shouldn’t properly stress over it. I had a bug last week so maybe my body just needed rest to cope.
Can’t face a load of neurological tests so just gonna keep a quiet eye on things.
If it happens again I will totally take action
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August 2, 2021, 12:51pm
Yes of course mate - ring up your team if you got any worrys, even if its to get stuff of your chest.
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Sorry to hear about your med problems. You shouldn’t have this pressure put on you. Do you have a nurse or case manager? They can be helpful in these circumstances
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Yeah. I’m trying to get treatment asap.
Wishing you well in your endeavours!
Likewise my esteemed fellow.
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J Bob, I would at least let your nurse know. You want to rule out anything like blood pressure or any kind of medical problems.
Hugs from Jimmy and I.
August 16, 2021, 1:12pm
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