@jukebox managed to nobly break his nicotine habit which has inspired me. The thread said the physical withdrawals last only three days.
I SO want to reach that three days. I was doing well last night but had a slip up this morning. But back on the case so the 72 hour countdown has reset.
I find taking long, slow breathes in with a pause before exhaling helps. Kinda mimics the controlled breathing of vaping.
When i quit smoking i went through many times of slipping up and failing. But eventually i got there. Just keep at it @anon94176359. You will get there, it just takes time.
Yeah good luck @anon94176359 ! It really is a great thing to do and it helps if you find other things to do like exercise if you feel the need to smoke. I’m up to about 9 years without a smoke!
All habits r alike bad ones that is. D voice or though in your head to disobey one rule to recovery it gives u powerful drive to disobey. Find d cause of those thoughts may b sugar slat not having vitamin b 12 in body . find what’s d cause
It may take a few attempts. It is hard to give up something that is very addictive, but the key is to never give up trying, no matter how many times you fall off the wagon. Keep it up, you can do it!
slip ups are nothing if you are determined you will get there
you have the correct attitude! if it doesn’t stop you giving up that is the most important
stick on a nicotine patch (still the best i think you leave off all the highs and lows) although alone i feel not effective, do patches and unlimited vaping is the best to start
if you were a heavy smoker do not hesitate about large doses of nicotine - how are you going to die of overdose of substitutes?