So depressed and negative today

I didn’t help my sister move, then she came and picked up her desk and got me but I immediately wanted to come back home because the antibiotics are making me not feel to great tummy wise. I couldn’t go out to eat with my sister and my son because of my tummy so that made me sad. I would have loved to go out with my son for a change.

Now I’m sitting here feeling kinda yuck and don’t feel like doing anything. It’s 3 pm, is it too early to go to bed?

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Nah, why not try taking a nap and see if you feel better a little later on in the evening?

Hope you feel better soon leafy, I’m not feeling that hot myself.


What’s going on with you? Still that bug?

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I agree. I think naps are great. Sometimes they work wonders.


No, I’ve still got a little bit of that bug too but I’m feeling a little nauseous after eating leftover lasagna about a half hour ago.

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I’m sorry. I hope you feel better when it settles.

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Take a short nap and set an alarm so you can still sleep tonight. Try taking your medicine with food. It helps some.


Thank you honey, I just had my fav snack of three cheese and crackers with my antibiotic. So I’m hoping that will help. Me and antibiotics don’t mix well for some reason.

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I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope it gets better soon

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@LilyoftheValley gave good advice to take your antibiotic with food. I just want to add: If the medicine is still making you feel icky, maybe reach out to your doctor and see if they can switch you to a different antibiotic? I have had to do that before while I had a UTI. The clinic/doctor will typically do a urine culture and test which antibiotics are effective against the specific bacteria they found in your urine. So, if there is more than one effective antibiotic, maybe you can switch to a different one! :slight_smile:


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