So at careers event we were advised that

At the end of the interview we should always ask questions. And then pay attention to what is said. Cos otherwise you’d just come across as rude. What I wanted to say was … I come across as rude ALL THE TIME. I interrupt… I don’t pay attention… I stutter…it’s all cos I’m anxious.


Some questions you can ask:
What motivated you to work for this company?
If I come up with a new idea how would the process look like to get it implemented?
How would you rate the stress level of this job on a 1 to 10 scale?


These are good questions @Jonathan2 … Another one is what would you change about the company ?

I just feel that them telling me it’s not the kind of person their looking for really puts people like me in a tough situation :laughing:

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I’ve always done well in interviews and I think the reason why is that I come prepared.

You really need to study their website from A to Z. Understand what they are doing and what their vision is.

You can also Google the interviewers and see based on pictures you can find from them what the dress code would be like.


Oh i go through their website , I check the names of the interviewers on the emails and see if the have a any info about them with photos, since sometimes seeing their face really helps me to know who is going to interview me… I read their values and write down how they resonate with mine … I practise potential interview questions and say the answers out loud… But all hell breaks loose when I actually get there and can’t even elaborate and keep telling them how nervous I am. Then realize I messed up. They dont want to hire someone they’re gonna keep having to baby.

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The last interview I did was online. I had to do it with 3 interviewers in Microsoft Teams. It took about 45 minutes and afterwards I was exhausted. I did get the job.

But It’s good that you come prepared, maybe you need to take some passiflora or some other herb that helps to calm your nerves.


I’ve never had a job. Maybe full time lunatic, thats a full time job in itself.


Did you ever volunteer?


I attend a day centre 4 days a week.


You could also say part-time traveller /part time sz.


I like @Jonathan2 Its hard to convince my treatment team I’m well to travel, jumping through many hoops. It takes months to get conformation to travel.


You’re right. Having a mental illness is work in and of itself.


I have the same issue with my studies. I still haven’t heard back from social security about living in Spain.

I guess I will have to be patient.


Belgium is different from the UK I think? @Jonathan2 as if your on benefits you can’t study abroad. But you can travel for 28 days at a time.


I can live anywhere in Europe but I need permission.

They asked for a new psychiatric report and I provided it to them 5 weeks ago.

Maybe they have a lot of work and it takes time to process the documentation.


Even before Britain left the EU we wasn’t allowed to live in the EU if you were on income benefits.


Maybe people think it’s endearing.


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