Snowed in this morning!

tried to get into town…this morning…not happening :smiley:
i live in remote-ish country…so if you slip off the road…no one will know !?!
still snowing…
but it is cool :snowman:
take care :alien:


Do they just put gravel down, or do they plow?

Our roads are better after one full day of them treating them.

Be careful out there, sith.

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no one comes out here…one lane tracks.
it made for an eventful morning…nearly slid off twice…whoops !?!
take care :alien:

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, sounds nice. It’d be funny to get pizza delivery tonight. They might at least meet you at the end of the lane. I worked with some clients that had rural homestead, they always acted like the snow was no big deal and they had the longest lane. I guess I was supposed to suck it up and plow right through.

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there is no delivery out here…
we get mail twice a week…
if i rang to order pizza delivery they would just laugh !?! :pizza:
take care :alien: