
This is my thread for the day.

Time to brew up some more coffee how are you all doing?

I canā€™t wait until next monthā€¦ Iā€™ve get some stuff I want/need.

117 bucksā€¦ thatā€™s way less than I spent on drinking. Itā€™s been nearly a week already since Iā€™ve drank any alcohol. Iā€™m gonna stick with that so I can afford things like this stuff and maybe even save some money.

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Hopefully the sale prices wonā€™t change to muchā€¦ These really are the only products I want. I donā€™t want to have to search out comparable things for cheap. Narrowing this down took long enough.

People on here donā€™t like drinkers, but I guess weed is acceptable. Huh?

Mehā€¦ I donā€™t care what other people doā€¦ I donā€™t see any reason to drink for me personally any more.

Iā€™d be more bothered by pot use if I didnā€™t know that its none of my business. Although I find the humor of the pot smoking community to be pretty entertaining.

Different from the emotional intensity of alcoholism. Thatā€™s not funny at all.

I just got ready and packed. Iā€™m going camping with friends tonight :blue_heart:

Good luck with stopping alcohol :blush:


Alcohol is worse for ā€œnormiesā€ than weed is. But weed is worse for us. IMO.

Weed makes me uber paranoid and anxious, I hope I never smoke it agian.

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Party for my nephew last night. I fell asleep late - Iā€™m just waking up.

Morning, @sososososoitgooooooooooes.

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Oh it is already done.
@turningthepage good insight there
@Rhubot I forgot how early it wasā€¦ Iā€™ve been awake since midnight

Hope all of youā€¦ including @daze have great saturdays ahead


love the tortex picks. excellent choice.

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Itā€™s pans! Hi, pans! Pans, do/did you play hockey? What position? Do you have a favorite team?

They looked like some good picks for bass and guitarā€¦ I found a program that lets me use my computer as an amp for both bass and guitarā€¦ it doesnā€™t record because its the free version but it is pretty cool.

The bass causes my speaker to rattle at full volume but at 90% its all good

yeah, great picks, very hard to break them. i use the tortex jazz picks, heavy heavy gauge, great tone.

I was just going for something middle of the lineā€¦ turtles are also my favorite animal :smile:

i did. was the assistant captain. defenseman i was, alot of assists.

i emulated wise defensemen. loved old chelios, smart player.

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He spent a long time playing for my favorite team. For a while it didnā€™t seem like heā€™d ever need to retire. Very smart player.

Sorry, donā€™t mean to horn in on your conversation with Bryan. Itā€™s just really nice to see you in this thread.

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Ehā€¦ itā€™s coolā€¦ I like watching other chat on hereā€¦ hate when it gets political about anythingā€¦ but simple exchanges like this are pretty coolā€¦ iā€™m continuing to get to know both of you O_o(and iā€™m not doin a thing)

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Thats the type of player i wanted to be.

The others were going for the super star get all of the goals guy.

I was busy studying how to keep guys away from our net and make the right passes at the right times so weā€™d win games. Had alot of assists.

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Check this out: (from life hacker)

Netflix charges a monthly fee of $7.99 per month, which comes out to $95.88 per year. Amazon Prime costs $99 per year, which comes out to about $8.25 per month. Forgetting the nice shipping benefits you get with Prime, you pay about the same.

Free 2 day shipping on all ordersā€¦ 99 dollars a year. Probably a bargen for some, but it also wrangles you into only shopping with amazonā€¦ I like neweggā€¦ I guess I can always do my homework there and then purchase through amazonā€¦ hmmmmmmmmmmmā€¦ 2 day shipping

I just cancelled my pandora subscription and like half of that righ there

I love cats. You forget they are there. They arenā€™t even making a sound. Then you look up and.


A wild Gonzo appears!


Lol! I couldnā€™t find him in the first one

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