Smell of weed taste of weed

Any little hint of weed would get me out. But it’s not real. It’s not real. Everybody would just say you’re normal and high. Have you seen those acne commercials? You can tell that normal people break out. I just wanna hide but at the same time I wanna get out. But who’s to say what’s in and what’s out?
If you believe you’re too far you’ll see people coughing and you’ll know people gone too far.

It’s not real people don’t get sucked in because it seems ‘special’ or unbelievable because it is!

It’s not worth it!

If you just can’t handle this bland reality just be safe okay be safe…

You just had to keep pushing it. You had to keep poking with it look where you are now…

Are you trying to say you smoked pot today?

If I smoked pot I wouldn’t even be talking just frozen sitting there or laying on my bed total retardation of everything movement and thinking. I know everybody knows that doing drugs are bad for schizos but some people just wanna keep pushing it.

It’s bad…


Yes it is…