Smartphone User Poll - Please Respond

IF you are a smartphone user, please respond to these two quick questions:

Have you ever taken a photo on your smartphone and sent it to someone or posted it to a social media site?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Have you ever taken a video on your smartphone and sent it to someone or posted it to a social media site?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

No thanks, I don’t want to carry a gps tracker with me everywhere I go.

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If you haven’t responded - please do.

I voted. …

Pics yes, videos no - If I have a pet or something, I’d probably take a video and send it to someone. But most of the time, pics do.

I’m not hip :ship:

No smartphone for me :heavy_exclamation_mark:

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I’ve done both.

I’ve emailed photos only.

I have done both.

Did you click on the poll above?

Yes. I did. :slight_smile: …

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I voted no on both, but that might change soon. As part of my “For a Few Dollars More” search for part time work that I can handle, I’m checking into something called “We Go Look” <— click on the link to check it out for yourself.

I voted no on both. I dont trust phones. I have privacy concerns. My phone is kept clean

What do you mean by “clean” - you never use it to take photos or videos? you uninstalled all the apps it came with? You don’t install new apps? You don’t use it to browse the web?

I dont take photos or videos. I delete text messages etc straight away. I use the internet but im carefull about what I do on it. Dont use apps. I make sure the camera lens is always pointing at nothing

I said no to both. I barely can operate the dial and text. I don’t have any apps on the phone I deleted them all except Pandora .