Small Axe movie series

Has anyone else been enjoying the cinematic joy of Steve McQueen’s Small Axe anthology of movies?

It is a taste of black culture and shot beautifully with great acting on all parts.

I watched the second one in the series of five (I’ve watched them all so far) and was moved by the music and the notion of black culture and that of the dance music. I felt a little envy of their experience thinking how white culture tried to emulate it with rave which wasn’t exclusively white of course, but my white experience isn’t one of belonging that I felt a minority could only experience in a European culture and was portrayed in the film.

I went to college for my final year of my BTEC in London and was one of the two only people in the whole college that was white. I didn’t experience any racism whatsoever. I recommend these movies to everyone.

Has anybody else seen these movies? What did you think of them? :slight_smile:

I’ve seen the Steve McQueen film Hunger. It’s about the hunger strikes in Northern Ireland.

Amazing film!

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I’ll check them out.

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