Sleeping schedule

I know I have a pretty whacked up sleeping schedule but how do you get yourself to fall asleep at night if you’re not tired? The main side affects I feel is often drowsiness which is why I take my pills at night, but I’m the kind of person who likes to be up at night, so I’ve gotten pretty used to it, besides I normally don’t have anything to do during the day and there really isn’t much for me to do during the day so I tend to sleep then when it’s quieter because everyone else is out and about being normal and having jobs and going to school and whatever.

The thing is I know should be heading to bed because tomorrow I’m having people over, well my parents are having my dad’s bother and his family, and his sister and her husband over to show them pictures of their recent trip to the Bahama’s (which I wasn’t a part of). But I’m so used to going to bed after midnight I feel guilty sitting up at my computer but I’m just not sleepy right now and I read you’re not supposed to lay in bed if you’re not sleepy.

I’m rambling I guess, sorry my main question is How do you get yourself asleep if you know you have to do things the next day but your body/mind is telling you you’re wide awake?

Sometimes we are simply stuck in a state of suffering - just gotta follow through with it. If I can’t get comfortable, then I have to just deal with it.

I have all sorts of troubles with this on occasion.

I was awake until 730 or 830 am yesterday. I do think I’ll be getting to sleep on time tonight though.

I think the trick is to not sleep too much. It might take a half hour to unwind, but if you’ve hit the threshold falling asleep is easy.

I have some melatonin and some ambien just in case.

There are drugs and whatnot for sleeping but the fact that I feel I’m so much drugs now because of my illness the last thing I want is another pill to take.

I totally understand. I try not to take them. It’s tough to keep a sleep schedule in line. I think it’s been that way my whole life. With the illness though it’s a must.

Worked nights all my life so my schedules so out of whack it’s beyond a joke. I’m almost and expert on what to do as yet far from mastering it. Goggle “sleep hygiene”. which is all about habits and practices that are conducive to sleeping well on a regular basis… Is quite extensive so really research it and of course act on it.

I’ve had insomnia since I was little. I slept until 2:30 p.m. yesterday. It’s 12:40 a.m. now. I’m going to try to stay up during the day so I can sleep tomorrow night. When I don’t have anything to do I don’t worry about my sleeping schedule so much. I lay in bed for a long time before I go to sleep. It gives me time to think. I doze a lot at day treatment. I wish I could give you more helpful advice, but I don’t know myself.

still not exactly tired but I think I’ll go lay down and read or something…put on some relaxing music and what-not. I just listened to two new aged CD’s and I’m still not all that tired.

Try reading the business section of Time magazine. That might make you sleepy.

I count my breaths up to 10, and then restart. I count “Aaand” while inhaling, and “One” on the exhale, up to 10. My old pdoc told me to try this. He also said if I can’t get to sleep in 30 minutes to get up and read or do something non-overstimulating.

:clock1130: I haven’t slept yet!!!

what! why! I just woke up, having coffee :coffee: I’m gonna diet starting today :triumph:

Good morning! :smile:

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yeah, Geodon also caused me insomnia. be careful, hope you get to sleep a little bit :sleeping:

maybe you could take a bath then head to bed? before leaving at 12:30? what time is it?

I’ve been overeating a little bit these past couple days, yesterday I went out and drank too much also, I may have gained 2 pounds. I don’t want to gain weight :scream:

You just woke up and have coffee, I have been up already six hours and have made coffee three times already today. Yes, I am a caffeine addict.

how many cups of coffee did you drink?! I have about 2 in the morning. Then around 1:30 pm I make a chai tea latte :coffee:

I have had nine cups of coffee today, I am drinking coffee right now.

Oh my god! don’t you have anxiety or palpitations? Doesn’t it make you uncomfortable? :open_mouth:

No I don’t hallucinate at all but I get psychotic and lose touch with reality. I’m gonna start running on monday and dieting starting today :triumph: Detox!!! :green_apple:

Hope you can rest a little bit :strawberry: