Sleeping a lot during the day

Ever since the Autumn arrived, with its shorter days, I am napping more frequently - sleeping on the couch a lot during the day.

My Energy levels seem to be drained - feeling tired all of the time.

I used to take 2 hour walks in the Summer a day - now i barely walk half an hour a day.

I am more depressed but its not severe, just feeling more Blue - missing the brighter, longer days of Summer I guess.

Any one else affected by the shorter, darker days of Autumn?

I cannot use a LightBox because it will swing me into Mania.


The autumn with it’s shorter days seems to have a mild downward effect on my mood.

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My mood is usually affected by weather. If the day is cool or cold and has no sunshine I will get a little depressed. So in winter I rely on heaters.

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Hmm,I am also feeling more tired recently.Like I am less motivated and talk lesser.Today at work I took a nap for 2 hours(I work for my family),I hope these blues go away soon!

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You know it’s kinda normal for people with a mental thing going on to sleep during the day and be up all night,myself im fully nocturnal,now if could just find a job that fits my schedule.

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Gosh, a two hours nap is too long. You will be fired if you worked for other people.

Yes,that’s why I will try hard to stay awake at work for my own good

Tell your doc make sure your depressed feeling is not just due to the season change