Sleep is essential

When I was younger I could go without sleep for days and not feel tired, but I think that’s when my illness started also. Sleep deprivation seems to trigger psychosis in me now. Is that normal? Is that normal for normal people?

I feel awful for delusional things I’ve thought or said after an episode. I don’t know if this is psychosis or mania, or what the difference is…I just know that if I miss one night of sleep I’m a mess. Where-as in the past I could go days and nights without sleep and not crash.

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Sleep deprivation is dangerous for sz.
I sleep every night for 12 hours exactly.


sleep is essential yea … when i don’t sleep enough it triggers symptoms. I sleep like 11 hours every day.


Sleep is essential for muscle recovery, repair and recuperation after strenuous exercise and exertion.


I sleep for 11 hours usually


My sleep varies. I usually get 9-10 hours in, but this week has been poor even though I’ve been doing things right.

If I don’t sleep at all I’m not fit to do much and it can trigger symptoms.

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