So got an earlier train to see shrink. Sitting in the waiting room and there’s this old couple and a couple of others.
The old guy is telling his wife about his life in the railways! Gawd it’s so painful and loud. Like it’s a room with mentally ill people for heck’s sake. Another half hour of this and I’ll be certified again!!
I had similar experiences in my doctors offices, you never can tell what others are going through.
The one that stood out over the years was a young woman, perhaps in her mid 20’s, on speaker phone with someone. She proceeded to have a whole conversation about her suicidal ideations, and what could of been considered a sexual assault. It was brutal.
So it was very annoying and out of place. Anyways my shrink had a legal appointment and got out early. Ended up bringing me in and I was out before my allotted time. Sometimes you never know your luck in the big city!
Ian knew about it all those years ago with Fugazi!