Yes sz make it difficult to function …!!! Hope there is cure sometime soon …!!
yeah my job is sitting down - =( and the rest of the time I am at my computer too.
your environment kinda impacts it too.
It is not that cold outside - but I don’t wanna walk on the snow or go anywhere except drive.
Once I move to god knows where - my lifestyle will change. People use stairs - everything is nearby - it’s a small old town for poor/middle class who are just content and weird plus the weather is great =)
where do you live @everhopeful
At a secret location somewhere in Europe!
hah really?! I always thought you are American =) have a nice day!
We have sit/stand work stations at work. Our desks are electronic and we can move them up so we can stand and work if we wish.
Our work was used in a study by Baker IDI to measure the impact of standing and working on blood glucose levels. That was about five or six years ago.
I sit for 8 hours a day at my job. I could request a standing workstation but i think it’s just too much trouble to get it. i also sit when i get home because i play my new favorite game FFXIV.