Silk worms

Continuing the discussion from Say Anything H is for Heffalump:

That’s awful :cry:


Also do you know how much wrose treatment is given for pesticides less farming. Where they use microorganism to eradicate insects on plants ?

“How does Bt work?
Spores made by Bt damage the gut of insect larvae after the larvae eat them.2 The insect gut must have a pH of 9.0 to 10.5 (high pH) in order to activate the toxin.2,10 This is different from the human gut, which has a low pH and is more acidic. The activated toxin breaks down the insect’s gut lining. The insect larva dies of infection and starvation.10,11,12 Death occurs within 1-5 days.10,12 Young insect larvae are most affected.1”

<i>Bacillus thuringiensis</i> (<i>Bt</i>) Fact Sheet


I don’t think it’s torture for bugs.

They cannot really comprehend anything. They are automatons and barely sentient.

Also idk if their pain receptors are complex enough.

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I did not know about this. :confounded:


And male chicks :hatching_chick: get ground alive in egg industry.billions.

And even male calf’s get slaughtered in dairy industry for veal.

Pigs usually go to gas chambers where they get burned inside and are terrified in agony for five minutes or so before they have throats cut.

I am currently vegetarian trying to go mostly vegan again.

I hope to stop eating eggs next week or so.

I was vegan six years or so but got iron deficiency.

I would eat eggs if they are fresh ethical ones but they are mass produced for supermarkets so not then.


Wow :hushed: that’s horrible!! All my dad’s chickens are free range.


Yea I would eat that kind of eggs your dad and you have because he doesn’t grind his male chicks alive and it’s all nicer.:slightly_smiling_face:

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im vegetarian too, and I want to try going vegan but its just too difficult…


The vegan supplements can be expensive too and sometimes not give enough nutrients such as I took vegan iron supplements when I was vegan but was still iron deficient.

Well done of you to be vegetarian though . @Milly :love_you_gesture:t4::partying_face::pray:t4::slightly_smiling_face:
Every step to being more cruelty free counts.

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My family are vegetarians so I have never eaten meat. That’s why it wasn’t that hard for me. It was not a choice for me but it is one now I guess.


Ain’t no vegetarians in West Virginia USA

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I’m sure there are @Loke

but there are some places that don’t understand what vegetarian even means, for instance I went on holiday and asked for a vegetarian dish… they thought I meant meat with veggies :sob:


I know there are. I was just being silly. (WV is a rural state) I’m part hillbilly part sophisticated so I definitely eat meat but can see the health benefits of being a vegetarian.

My ex husband had to have meat with every meal. I made a salad one night for dinner and he asked where the meat was.

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