Signs of a good Pdoc

What makes a good Psychiatrist ?


Shared decision making. Someone who listens and takes your preferences into account for the treatment plan.

They also need to be willing to write reports when needed. Thatā€™s about it.


Reads your notes
Shared decision making
Listens, asks if you have any questions


One who listens to you, and who is kind, and who includes you in the treatment plan


All my psychiatrists were good. Maybe I am lucky.


My current psychiatrist is an excellent doctor.
Sheā€™s a good listener and has a lot of experience with these meds.

She is also compassionate and treats me with respect.


A Doctor who can treat your symptoms without making you a legal drug addict.


I currently have an excellent Pdoc. She has written a letter to try and get me government housing away from living with my narcissistic elderly father, she has changed my medication and taken me off Lithium, and she always asks me if I have heard from my son yet.

She is Indian, a very calm, gentle and peaceful woman.


My doctor is awesome! She has done miracles with my meds regimen. She listens to me. She is nice.

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My current pdoc seems okayā€¦ Iā€™ve only seen him twice, heā€™s new. My clinic goes thru providers like a fart in the wind, I think they only come here for about a year so they can get their student loans reduced, since weā€™re considered ā€œruralā€. I had a doc at the hospital a few years ago who got me arrested for something I didnā€™t do. Charges were dismissed, and she was asked to leave the hospital. Iā€™ve had really good docs and a few really crappy ones.

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He comes out and point blank tells you heā€™s going to ā€œcureā€ you. And he does!!

They come up with something new

Treats you like an equal, no power plays, no pontificating from on high and forced hospitalisation to cover the evidence that I didnā€™t need meds.

Alsoā€¦they need to know to go and bother someone else.

After the appointment gives you a ā€œhappy endingā€

I think it is a matter of different strokes for different folks. Psychiatrists probably have a profile of patient types they do best with. A psychiatrist recovering from addiction will probably do better with drug addled patients, but they might not do so good with jocks. One thing I donā€™t like is when a psychiatrist starts to tell you why you did something, and he isnā€™t right. That wasnā€™t why you did it. One psychiatrist said something that gave me pause once. He said that if all my dreams came true, and I became a writer of stature, it would feel just like I had gotten hugged by my dad. My dad was a child molester.

Huh. Yeah I hear you crimby.

Yet when you tell the shrink their assumptions about you are wrong they say you ā€˜lack insightā€™ and then when you try to defend your position your ā€˜becoming agitatedā€™.

Talk about them having guaranteed work!

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