Side Effect Weighs on Early Results for Alkermes’ Schizophrenia Drug


Freshman 15, zyprexa obesity

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I know now I’m schizoaffective… I’m on Zyprexa but just don’t have the right “jeans” for it…

I wonder why they don’t just make the added drug a second pill instead of marketing this as a new Sz drug. It could help people on other Sz meds reduce weight gain that way and they could make more money.

The goal is not for someone to make money, the goal is to find a cure!

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It’s a good question, I wonder if it doesn’t work with other meds, or if they’ve never tried it. If it worked on its own, there’s a huge* market for weight loss drugs, they’d definitely be motivated to get it approved for that. But maybe it counteracts something specific to either olanzapine, or possibly certain APs in general.

*no pun intended, lol

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