Showing details below user's avatar

I’m not sure if this is a good idea, but I will still suggest it anyway.

The modified screen: (notice the Diagnosis, Meds, Gender, Country below the user’s avatar)

Sorry to Minnii and Azley for using yours as examples (though the “details” aren’t exactly correct, I believe)

At the moment, I understand that we can put this information voluntarily as part of our biographies.


Dislike. I don’t want my gender displayed for all to see. That’s how we get creepy PMs asking for our pics. I’m not hiding it from anyone, but at the same time, I don’t want it advertised. I could also see others being uncomfortable with publicly displaying their diagnosis/meds too. We do tend to be paranoid, after all.


PLEASE make sure you report those to @SzAdmin. That is absolutely NOT acceptable.

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I agree, I don’t like it very much either. I don’t really like for others to know my stuff unless I say so. And I feel a little used by being the subject of this topic (jk, I don’t.)

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Thumbs down on that idea from me.

You could have that on your own profile page. Where you see all the posts and stuff you have done. If someone is interested in sharing that stuff.

I don’t think we have the ability to turn that type of formatting on right now - and we don’t have the resources to make that feature a part of the software right now. But I appreciate your thinking about how to improve the forums.

Keep coming up with ideas - I’m sure some of them will resonate with the users. (even if this one didn’t).

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