Should I tell my Dad?

The first time I was in the hospital for psychosis was over a decade ago. I think like 2006ish. I told my dad on the phone from the hospital that they said I was having psychosis.

After that he wouldn’t allow me in his home or near family members. I spent years trying to convince him they decided they were wrong so that I could see my family.

My mom knows (they’re divorced) but my dad doesn’t understand why I’m on disability. Should I tell him the truth and risk losing my family?

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What is it exactly that you want to tell him?

the truth is always right

he’s the one that’s wrong, maybe he’ll change?

my dad no longer speaks to me, but it’s because of his political views
and mine don’t match

what a stupid reason. He’s a hard one though. I don’t think he’s in touch with any of his kids.


That I’m on disability for schizophrenia

If the truth causes your family to avoid you, they weren’t really your family.


I think you should tell him. It’s sad that you should have to pretend to be something you’re not and hide this all your life. He should accept you for who you are.


But I’ve only got them. It’s hard to build a by choice family when you have mental illness due to stigma.

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If it’s important to you then I would tell him.


I’m in AA. I instantly have family all over the world. Look into 12 Step support.


Don’t you need to be an alcoholic for that?

For AA, sure. There are all kinds of flavours of 12 Step groups. e.g. Emotions Anonymous.


what about friends

my two best friends mean as much to me as my family

maybe more

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I have one really close friend and a few regular friends. I just really don’t want to lose my family. We are super dysfunctional but we are still family.

you’ve got a good heart.

maybe stick with everyone else in the family

why should your dad dictate how they feel?


Yeah my entire family is dysfunctional but I love them still.

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After my mom passed, nine years ago, and my dad became disabled from dementia, my family has been crumbling. You can’t always count on family just because they’re “family”. If you are genuine and honest about who you are, it’s up to them, in this case your dad, to accept you or not. If your dad doesn’t accept you for who you are then that’s because there’s something wrong with him, not you. If your mom and other family members (?) accept and love you for who you are, count your blessings. :heart:


tell them…id say most of ur family will stand by oy

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It just hurts to know I’ll lose out on seeing my niece and nephew who I cared for every day all day when they were young. That sister would turn me out just like my dad. I have another sister who is kind to me but we don’t see each other often. My mom lives far away but we talk regularly on the phone.

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What’s exactly you want to tell him?

@anon70049667 He doesn’t know I have schizophrenia