So yesterday was my first day and while I had a lot of fun, I noticed a lot of unprofessionalism. They are younger adults (early 20s) so I get that but they were cussing and talking about inappropriate things in front of customers.
I would probably wait a bit.
Don’t want to make yourself a pariah by instantly launching complaints against your coworkers
If you were to notice something egregious, that would be a good time to go to the manager. Other than that, let things work themselves out and keep your head down and focus on your own work. Don’t build up a reputation as the guy who runs to the manager on their first day. At the very least mention it to them first. A simple, “hey guys lets remember to keep it pg,” is a more than ample step before going straight to management. If it escalates further then start to think about other options.
I personally wouldn’t ever trust someone who goes to management with an issue they have with me if they haven’t brought it to my attention first. Egregious things not withstanding. Obviously if you see someone breaking the law you should probably let management know.
Thanks. I’m not good with social rules so I didn’t know
It’s all good. Bringing an issue to someone first is probably one of the most useful tools I have learned for a happy work life. Look into conflict resolution skills if that’s something you struggle with. When I first started working I would go to management a lot, because I didn’t like confrontation. I’ve found that most issues don’t require that level of escalation.
I agree with Squanchy. I would say maybe say to your manager can you tell everyone to keep it PG without naming names? I would be hesitant to complain too.
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