Should i read about side effects or not?

to know i have signs serious side effects or not
ha ??

Yea i think its a smart idea

It doesen’t hurt to know what could happen. That way it is easier to understand if it is a side effect or not.

I feel like for some people it is just symptom shopping.


I don’t read about the side effects.
I agree with ZombieMombie; symptom shopping.


yea i don’t read the side effects either…

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I read them once in the 14 years I have been medicated. I think it is good to know about tardive dyskinea and other trademark side effects so that I don’t brush off everything that happens.

Ofcourse a lot of what is written it is very vague and could be attributed to many other things. I guess the trick is to know what is serious and not.

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it is scary
just if you read side effects and imagine you take poisons not medications
serious Side Effects are rare side effects
but they happen and you may be that lucky person who happened to you
if i talk more topic may be closed
enough what i said :smirk: :smirk: