I dont know what to do in life
I ca do everything you can ever imagine or even not imagined yet
Big 5 test says im neurotic
Ocupațional tests says i could do well as an investigator in any field
With my second interest in entrepreneurship
I say I just wanna chill and all of the people would disapear from earth
Its that me even or its an interface (mask) which i put on recently
Does knowledge about oneself exists
Am in intrested in this kind of knowledge or it’s just a phase
People say you have potential, so much but you sont see it
Im ok thou, since you guys are so quiet… I was just bored
I’m glad you’re ok. Do you think you’re ready to work?
What are you good at and what do you enjoy doing?
You strike me as intelligent and it would be sad if you wasted that, to be honest. What do you like doing and what are you good at? Think on the qualifications you have and how can you build on them.
I was bored thou
I dont really think i like anything more then a few days
I’m a hypocrite because I’m similar to be honest. I find it very hard to concentrate in one place for more than a few months.
Everybodys a hypocrite lol
On a good side I finished draft 1 of essay 1 out of 4 essays which i want to write