Should I go to the Medical School for my Primary Care?

I’ve been seeing a primary care doctor with Baptist Health, mainly because Baptist Health has a psychiatrist on a bus stop I could be referred to. But Judy who works for my current psychiatric care provider likes the Med School and says the have excellent doctors. The Med School is 3 miles away and on a bus stop.

I’ve been afraid my current psychiatric care provider might go out of business like the Community Mental Health place did. My current provider is a charitable not-for-profit organization that treats people with severe and persistent mental illness.

The psychiatric clinic at the Med School no longer takes Sz/SzA people, even though I was diagnosed SzA there decades ago. This is the reason I wasn’t going there.

What do you all think? Am I just being paranoid?

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I don’t think you’re being paranoid since it’s something that happened to you before. You could always try the med school and if you don’t like them go back to your current primary dr


I didn’t think about that. Thanks


Yeah give the Med school a try @anon54988740

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