Should I feel bad

I almost feel bad. Our local JWs have tried to make me to join them for a couple of years and recently they mailed me an invitation to join their ZOOM meeting, but I did not go. They have tried so hard. Should I feel bad? Please, do not make this thread religious.

Don’t feel bad. Religion is a personal thing and it’s kinda sad they won’t take no for an answer.
Nobody should be guilted into joining a religion they don’t want to join.


I was chased down by Scientology at the UCLA campus. It was scary!! I also have encountered JW’s also but ignore them. Finally, some Mormon girls try to encourage me to join their temple. Religion sometimes is a social activity. However, the doctrines and tenets some of these religions represent are not palatable for me, meaning they are totally unacceptable. I was a born-again Christian and attended church faithfully for awhile. But, the more I knew about some people’s mindset of exclusivity, the more I distanced myself from them. Now, I don’t go to church and try to find social activities based on my interests.

I was there at the UCLA campus 20 years ago. I went to the library and read books there. I also used their Internet computers. This was when I lived in my auto in LA. It is the nice campus.

Absolutely not. They are rude for continually contacting you. They are the ones who should feel bad.


Yes, because UCLA has a nice campus, it attracts the odd and the weird also. I believe, Scientology has an office there near by its campus.

You are right that I should not feel bad. Their efforts to make me to join them started after the death of my father over three years ago. Their ways are quite creative. They have come to my place many times, but I have not let them in. Once they came to my place and showed a picture of my grandmother’s funeral and said that I was in that picture, but I never went to my grandmother’s funeral in 1989. They know that I do not have a car and once they came to my place and wanted to take me to their Kingdom Hall in their automobile. Their ways can be quite creative, but you are right that I should not feel bad.


ofcourse you should not feel bad. you have a right to choose what to believe in. maybe ask them to stop contacting you if it bothers you

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You are right that I should tell them not to contact me. But during these years they should have already understood that I am not going to join them. They try hard. Once my doorbell rang and I opened the door and there was an older man praying for me, I asked what religion he was in. He told that he was a JW and I closed the door. They have all kinds of creative ways.

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It’s totally inappropriate that they keep contacting you. That’s harassment. You definitely shouldn’t feel bad

Yes, it is inappropriate. I have received tens of Watch Tower and Awake publications from them and I have thrown these publications to the paper recycling bin. They have tried hard in their efforts to make me to join them. But I am not going to join them.


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