Anyone on like to chat with me a little while?
I guess I could do that. Where are you from?
Originally east coast, living in TX 12 yrs
Where are you from?
I’m in Eastern Oklahoma. With the exception of the time I was in the army I’ve lived in Oklahoma my whole life.
Oh wow cool not far. Are you schizophrenic? I chose a topic category that you could also have other diagnosis
I was diagnosed 7 yrs ago. Just found this site a few days ago. Still learning the ropes
I think my latest dx is “schizoaffective”. I’ve also been dx’ed schizophrenic.
I’ve been on this site for years. Some people come and go on here, but I have mostly been here constantly.
I’ve wondered if that’s my proper diagnosis. I’ve done really well since I’ve been diagnosed, but it could just be good meds and behavior. What does dx stand for?
Now that I’ve found this site I’ll be a regular. It gets lonesome not talking to people who understand where you’ve been or what you’ve gone through in a life experience sort of way
It stands for “diagnosed”. I don’t think they place to much emphasis on diagnosis. It’s more just a starting place to begin treatment. They give the same drugs for many different diagnoses. I’ve been on a lot of different drugs.
This site is a great resource for us schizophrenics. We’re glad to have you. You’re right, any who hasn’t experienced schizophrenia could relate to it.
Makes sense. I’m starting to wonder if I need to adjust to a different med instead of taking so many for sleep. I get sick real fast if I don’t get deep solid sleep. Almost had to check into a hospital a couple months ago because I was sleeping so much I cut back on my Trazodone, after a week I was seeing, hearing, and feeling things.
Zyprexa makes me sleep. Sometimes the idea of sleeping eleven hours a day sounds appealing, but Zyprexa always makes me mildly depressed.
Trazodone does nothing to me.
Have you ever heard of a movie called Autumn Leaves from the 50’s? I watched it today, it was very interesting. I’m often very grateful I was born in a time when they have such good care and medications for us. This movie is about a woman who marries a man who is mentally ill and what they go through. The hospital scenes are rough, but short and it really paints a picture of what it used to be like. ( Though I know it was worse in the hospitals, and it’s an abrupt happy ending)
Zyprexa stopped working for me years ago. It’s funny how meds work for all of us so differently.
In the movie “The Changeling” the way they portray mental hospitals in the 1920’s is very grim. They’re very depressing. I think the private mental hospitals were much better. I bought a movie called “Tom and Viv” about this famous poet who married a very unstable woman. The mental hospital in that movie looked nice.
I’ll have to check those out! Thanks for chatting with me Crimby. My meds are kicking in so I’m going to try to sleep now have a good night!!!