Yeaaay! Baldlie lol!! Nice one. It really suits you. Closet i ever go is a grade 0 with the clippers lol.
Think of all the shampoo you will be saving lol
i shaved my head for a spell, but i remember it dulled the razors quickly. i would shave it in the shower each morning, and did it for about a month, before i decided it would be easier to buzz it off with clippers.
i will probably shave it bald again when i’ve lost more hair, in the next 5 to 10 years. and i’ll grow a bit of facial hair, either a beard or goatee.
Jealous. I might go for it too, if lockdown doesn’t end soon. You look great!
I shave my head too, but never that close!
You look great @anon94176359!
I really like it!
I don’t think I will ever be that brave.
Looking sharp J-Bob!!
I’m planning on trimming up my neck hair and hairline later today. I think I got some creatures growing back there.
At least your head is doing the 24 hour naked challenge1
Your forehead could be used for a Rorschach test!
I did it! I successfully trimmed down my neck hair. I even brought up the neckline a little bit. I kinda did a crappy job LOL but at least the neck hair is all gone.
Totally badass. Like the new look.
I am about to do the same thing. I ordered some trimmers today but they said shipping is slow due to the virus and more than usual orders so I am going to get a little more shaggy.
I haven’t had this much hair since before I joined the military in 1988.
Looks good!!! 1515
Looks great. Really suits you. I may try something like that too some day.
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