Sharing a Body

Has anyone ever felt like they were sharing their body with someone else? I experienced this for the first time the other night. It was the worst delusion I’ve had before. There was an aspect which felt like ego death. I felt like I was fighting for control, and eventually succeeded. It has me thinking of multiple personalities and how closely related it might be to sz. I have no idea, I’m just terrified of potentially being more than one person.

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No but I thought I stole and had other ppl’s bodies when I was psychotic.


Soul too. 15555

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I distinctly felt a voice trying to take control. As if they were removing me.

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Idk but I had a voice tell me everynight in bed that now I acquired this person’s body and soul, they were family members, friends and even strangers.

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I have had fugue experiences where I fully dissociated and lost all memory of what ‘I’ was actually doing for a few weeks. It is on the spectrum of DID.

I don’t know what I was doing in that time away from myself, but these DID experiences were due to trauma. I don’t know what ‘he’ is like or did in those times. To me, it is how I imagine death to be. A place where I am no longer conscious or aware in any shape or form. There is no history, present or future in this existence.

I returned to myself from all of these traumas eventually, with no memory of what happens in ‘their’ world. It is pretty common for those with DID to have fractured memory lapses in time. I am not DID per se but have suffered from a dissociative disorder of some form.

If you are experiencing this concept without trauma, then it is probably a thought problem of intellectualising a delusion, but I am not a doctor, so take it with a pinch of salt.

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I have plenty of trauma in my life, but was not in a traumatic situation at the time.

I completely stopped thinking for periods of time, only hearing the voices telling me to get out and such, and felt like there was someone else in my body with me, trying to take over. I went completely black before coming right back. I had to fight this for hours. It was difficult, because part of me was tempted to let go.

Did you ever feel it coming on like that, where you might have had some control before it took over?


No control whatsoever. If it is going to happen it will happen. There is no fight for me. The trauma happens and I am as good as dead.

There is a guy on this site who actually has DID though. Perhaps, he can say whether there is any fight of his personalities for power. I think he keeps getting banned though. I can’t remember his name atm though.

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I think voices are just part of you. Which makes it impossible for them to take over because they ARE you. I have no idea if this eases your worry or not but I thought I’d let you know that I think it is impossible for them to take over.


I have always felt they were completely separate from me. They each have personalities. I even know which one was taking over.

I wish it were easier to believe they couldn’t do this, but I was not alone in my body. I don’t know how else to describe a sense of reality to it.

I do appreciate the encouragement though.

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Dont do what the voices tell you, it can be dangerous.

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I don’t trust them at all, which is why I fought it.

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If you remember, will you tag him here please?

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If you find the time. This article might be helpful. As long as you have schizophrenia and not Multiple personality disorder you should be safe. I have no idea on Multiple personalities though:

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In my past lives, yes. I never really shared a body like MPD or had personalities per se. But I feel like I actually TEMPORARILY switched bodies via soul or quantum consciousness for minutes or seconds at least after I died or really had someone body snatch me like a vampire. I was told I was a vampire and I don’t know if it was a genetic disease, experiments, or just advanced quantum mechanics…

I think I got schizophrenia but the odds are stacked against me and I may actually have severe, legitimate MPD/DID instead or BOTH.

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I don’t think sharing a body is impossible.

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I believe multiple personality disorder has some overlap with sz . I’ve heard of some people who thought they had one and it was the other. Anyways not to confuse or scare you but might as well ask if you talk to your pdoc if it’s a concern for you.

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You are one person that’s for sure. Some people I think fragment or separate their thinking patterns or something as a coping mechanism. I’m not a doctor tho haha

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Also I think voices can deceive us into believing such is the case


Yes, I think this might be the case. At least I hope it is.

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