I am taking Amisulpride daily 300mg and Trihexyphenidyl daily 1mg. I am facing sexual dysfunction since last 2-3 years. But I don’t know if it’s Antipsychotic induced or porn induced. Because when I see pornographic content I get erection and my libido comes back. But without porn I have had erections about 4 to 6 times in last 2 years. For more on porn induced sexual dysfunction visit http://yourbrainonporn.com/
Dude I’m not watching the video about porn science
I know real science behind why we get aroused. It’s because you see a female who displays indicators of youth, health and fertility. That’s presuming you’re a straight male. Hip to waist ratio plays a part, facial symmetry plays a role too, clear skin is a sign of health, so is a head full of colored hair (not gray) and also, higher pitched female voices turn men on because women’s voices get higher when they are ovulating. There are multiple theories as to why women having body hair is not typically seen as attractive, mainly because of some evolutionary theories like less hair makes better skin to skin contact during mating, humans were aquatic at one point, hair makes us susceptible to tics and bugs and dirt and therefore disease, and hairiness is related to testosterone in men, men grow body hair when they reach puberty, a lot of it. Women typically don’t like hairy men. All bodybuilders shave their bodies. I would know because I have spent a considerable amount of my life being one and being around other ones, I just have naturally very sparse hair and look like I shave my upper body but don’t.
Porn is just all of that crap hand picked and put on camera. It’s carefully designed to be arousing. Duh. Who gives a ■■■■.
I watch porn a few times a week when I’m not seeing someone. I used to be very promiscuous but then I got really afraid of HIV.
Yes. I think porn can influence the way your body works.
When you’re watching porn you have an external stimulus that is able to affect your libido. It’s easy to be able to differentiate porn from a live person beside you. Everything that has to do with mating brings up all sorts of human/emotional factors that have to do with a lot more than achieving an orgasm. Watching porn for arousal and being with a partner who arouses you (or have arousal as the goal) are very different. For one thing, if you have trouble achieving an erection it’s highly likely that a having partner there is just going to give you more anxiety that will make the experience negative. If the goal is to have a partner/relationship that includes having sex, a good first step is to learn how your body reacts to stimulation before you are expected to perform a certain way with another person.
Man! Whatever you said I see no connection to sexual dysfunction. Or antipsychotic induced sexual dysfunction.
What I wanted to know was if my sexual dysfunction is caused by excessive porn or antipsychotics or something else?
Excessive porn will do it to most normal people, which antipsychotic are you on?
I’d be careful with pseudo-science mixed with the real thing. I’ve studied the actual science of addiction – and worked with addicts in recovery – longer than many of you have been alive. Not just substance abusers, but foodies, work junkies, exercise freaks, gamblers, vomiters, shopaholics and sex, romance and so-called relationship addicts. And here is what I see about sex:
When you’re hot, you’re hot… and when you’re not, you’re not. Novelty figures hugely in whether we are or aren’t. (And @mortimermouse is right about the statistics he quoted, though those are generalizations, not particulars.)
The erectile dysfunction industry is cleaning up giving hard-ons to men who are no longer interest in ■■■■■■■ their old ladies. Why is this a mystery? Because it’s not PC to talk about it.
Well, it’s also very heteronormative. Fabricate a reason to emasculate men who are being told they aren’t adequate sexual partners. It detracts from the fact that hard-ons are not required for satisfying a woman, by any means. It pushes the thinking into a tiny corner of what you need to be able to do to be desirable. Ironically the women would likely be happy about this.
Amen, bro. (Though this would not be the first product category thusly devised.)
How many billion dollars are tied up in the women’s beauty industry? It’s the same thing.
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Pornography thrives on sexual and affective misery. It is not causal but is the result of a vacuum that it fills.