Sex in eye contact

if you can’t look in her eyes while having sex, your guilty of something IMO

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never had sex experiences…


i never made love, i had sex but never made love,


Personally I have difficulty looking my partner in the eye during intercourse because I’m extremely self conscious and as soon as I look at him looking at me I start to think about how I look instead of just enjoying being with him and the contact and stuff… And I feel like I look weird or might be making a weird face or… Yeah…

It’s called Optical Sex

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hey pedro aren’t u married…???
i have seen pic of ur son which u were holding in ur hands…
don’t u love ur wife…
spent some time with her…make love…its gud for u…

Not had sex in decades so can’t remember what I look at!?!

@Jimbob are u married…??

No. Been single for the last 15 years. I am very naive when it comes to physical stuff. Not particularly bothered much - am married to the sz :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


im not married far

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Using handcuffs and a blindfold.


I had an awesome experience last night. Just thought I’d let you all know since this is that kind of thread :grin:.


Guilty or CES closed eye syndrome :scream::scream::scream::scream:

BDSM light :smirk:

Staring at each other in the eyes would start to freak me out. Only time I came close to making love was being drunk and thinking of someone else (bad I know, but hey I was drunk).

Good.keep your soul. For the right 1

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We’re trying to go easy on the calories.

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That made me laugh, now I have to think about why. :scream:

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She had a glass eye. So I made a point of looking her in the eye.

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