"Sex" and hearing voices

Nobody hears you that’s what schizophrenia is all about

I can completely understand what you are going through…

I think it’s difficult to do anything when “they” are listening in on my thoughts. Your family knowing…now, yeah that’s almost worse. I’ve never experienced that situation, but if you’re having sex with someone you love and something can block out the connection you’re having with that person is interrupted in any way, then it’s normal to get distracted. If you think your family knowing is the catalyst, maybe let your family know you’re sexually active so there is no secret there.

There was a time when the voices would be so distracting I was unable to be remotely reciprocal. I was so detached from myself… it just felt horrid and empty and useless. The entire situation felt unbearable.

99% of the time I was drunk or high. That was usually the only time I could even think about sex.

Now… The voices have faded and I can get past them now. But it’s the tactile strangeness that makes being intimate a very unusual feeling. It’s not unbearable any more, it’s a bit overwhelming… but not impossible.


Yes! and I hate it.

only when I was off my meds, I was having sex constantly with my partner but the voices would tell me people can hear my thoughts and hear my partner’s moans throughout the house.

I thought this would be factor… but it didn’t really wasn’t an issue…

Now voices while masturbating… those are a pain.

lol. i can’t get laid if i’m that unstable.

I used to get really anxious thinking about sex in public because I thought people could read my thoughts. I had this belief (that still pops up from time to time) that everyone can read my thoughts but they have to pretend like they can’t, like a conspiracy or something.

For the longest time I couldn’t kiss my partner because I thought if I kissed him he would know something’s wrong with me. It still happens when I am beginining to feel an episode coming on. I don’t think it’s completely unreasonable, but then I had this dream ( I’ve convinced myself it was a dream) that I was lying in bed when I saw my partner walk past the bedroom door. I called to him and he stopped, ready to come over but then I felt my real partner moving under the sheets and immediately panicked because I realized it was a demon at the door. Instinct told me to seek safety with the man in my bed, but I thought how the hell do I know if this is even real. What if the real demon is the one next to me, so I just spent the rest of the night having a panic attack under the blankets not know which one was real. Ever since then I feel like certain loved ones are really demons. Even the bible says that demons can take the form of people we trust. So you can imagine how our sex life has diminished. I just can’t do it, I get so scared that I’m giving my self to the devil. I hate it because I also love my partner (the real one) and I know I can’t engage in the sexual part of the relationship like I used to.