@cbbrown commented in another thread about hearing his in-laws voices. This made me think of the following incident.
I have heard voices of friends and family occasionally as well. Particularly my father’s voice was distressing (I can hear the rumble of eager Freudians rushing towards the reply button already - but hold on), for at the time I was delusional, thinking it was telepathic communication. My father’s voice showed up only after half a year of terrifying psychosis, and I couldn’t accept ‘him being in on it’ and having me go through all of it without assisting me etc. Anyway, the point is, I became very angry towards the voice of my father, and was very sure about my stance on the matter, I ‘said’ to this voice, if you do not call me and come over right now, I will never meet you in person again. This voice of my father stopped immediately, and my usual voices said to me it was them doing an impression of my father. With the same attitude, I told them this is off-limits. I had nothing to threaten them with, of course, but my attitude was as that of a parent lecturing his badly behaving kid, and they apologized and it never occurred again. Not that my usual voices turned benign, but I never heard a relative’s voice again.
Incidents like these are to be treated with care, I think. The sheer amount of weird experiences going on in psychosis is bound to show some seemingly meaningful incidents. But I do wonder whether anyone else has successfully set boundaries for their voices. For me personally, what makes this example interesting, is that the anger made me, at last, be certain about something. My psychosis are characterized by lots of doubt and uncertainty about anything, the mere opportunity to take a firm stance was already a relieve in some sense.
My inner thought like voices are usually from people I know, when I was stressed in school I used to think in my classmates voices telling me things about school, just jibberish. But when I’m really stressed I think in a random female voice saying “whore” repeatedly
I was too fascinated with the voices for a long time to be able to break away from them… Same with my other symptoms…
With my voices though… They fight for my attention… And they know in negative/depressed/angry/uncertain states I’m more like to turn to listening to them hoping they might give me the answers… That’s the trap… That’s right where they want me. They would only propagate my need for focusing on them… Pretty devilish they are… Another thing that is fascinating… While their statements are dumb and shortsighted and redundant… Their approach is pretty well thought out… And they can hit me with a lot of negative thinking at every turn… Even when I feel like I’m doing something right… They’ll throw in a “finally”… Or do things that might propel my vanity while also drawing my focus on them…
Defeating them though is defeating the distraction… Learning how to maintain perspective and thought on things that can go without there presence…
The main harasser i had sounds more like a rotating light house of sound… With make 5 or 6 voices not fully producing statements… They’re all angry though… They’re all ready to yell at me for basically any slip that might occur… Still it gets easier to just forget about the game of thinking properly and just dwell on my own thoughts…
Breakfast… Waiting on my payments to get deducted from my account… The video game I was playing… My cat laying here… The lighting of the room and all the stuff I’ve put in this apartment… Friends and what have you…
I mean… They voices are going do what they will… Some boundaries have worked from time to time… But the ultimate boundary is with the self… Ignore them… Take away all the space you can from them at every turn… Learn to be unaffected by them…
There is some small conscious tie in that activates their pathways and at least concerning my voices feeds them with the content they need to make the next statement. (A voice just repeated that as I typed it.) I mean they get that desperate at times.
The light house still spins… This is why I dislike trying to sleep…
you’re random voice reminds me of Rebecca one of the voices I hear. She started out as random, I was walking down the side walk first time I heard her I passed a group of women standing around and I thought I heard one of them comment on my appearance. Then I heard, “you stink, go home and shower, you smell so bad”