Seroquel metabolism

Has anyone tried to lose weight on Seroquel? Only have ten more pounds, nothing is working. I’m in a huge deficit, do yoga regularly, trying to eat more cleanly - and I gained a pound.

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How do you feel on seroquel? Does it give you brain fog and loss of emotion?
Sorry havnt been on seroquel but thinking of switching.

Tbh it just makes me sleep a lot but it’s definitely effective for the psychosis. It’s very unfriendly with weight gain though. If you take it be prepared to sleep at the very least 12 hours a day. I’m looking to switch just for that factor. Though if you don’t mind those side effects, in my experience it’s extremely gentle for an antipsychotic and also very effective. It could be different for everyone though. I hope if you switch it’s helpful for you!!!

I haven’t had the experience of brain fog or emotion loss whatsoever on it either which I do like it a lot for. And no need to be sorry!!!

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Thanks for the information. Its good to hear you dont have loss of emotion or brain fog from seroquel. Do you have lots of energy? Are you able to work? I want to find something that basically makes me feel normal but also takes away the psychosis. So do you basically feel normal on seroquel? Besides the fact that you sleep a lot and hsve to deal with weight gain.

Have you tried clozapine?

I take Seroquel 400 mg with two other psyc meds. I can tell you that this meds don’t give you brain fog unless you take megadose’s and I works very good for motivationsproblems. And psychosis. To say it frankly it is one of the world’s 8 wonders.


Seroquel dropped my BP to 73/80. I went unconscious. I hope Seroquel works for all y’all. It’s good for sleep I’ll tell ya that.

Honestly I have zero energy during the day it is super draining. As for work I don’t work currently but did work before while on it. It did not help manage the stress, but didn’t get in the way as long as I had a way to wake up. Honestly the best thing I can suggest for working is to devise a plan with your doctor based around healthy stress management. I take medicine for anxiety but that’s in emergencies and shouldn’t be used as a crutch especially when working because it can totally take you out. Developing good stress management skills will only work better in tandem with your antipsychotic in keeping psychosis and overwhelm away while at the job!!!

And I definitely feel like me. Not drugged up or anything but I feel myself so I’d say normal. It doesn’t take the rest of the stress away but it works great for positive symptoms

I’m sorry clozapine is not an option for me I’d rather avoid that, but thank you for the suggestion!!

@columbus so does that mean your working since it dosnt affectyou negatively. I need a medication that gives meenergy dosnt have negatives and no cognitive problems. Im okay with lots of sleep and weight gain but i just want my mind working again.

It could be that your body has slowed your metabolism. Try eating a little more and increasing the vigor in your exercise.

Have you ever tried Geodon? It’s what I’m trying to switch to. It gave me mountains of energy and motivation, and I felt very normal on it and honestly as good as I’ve ever felt. It’s got some serious side effects so it’s best to discuss with your doctor, has a high instance of akathisia too but if your doctor thinks it’s appropriate you can speak to them about beta blockers if that occurs. It’s the one thing that works better for me than Seroquel.

My mind was super clear and I was able to get everything I needed done each day. It was honestly astonishing to me how well I was able to function on it. I only stopped because of the akathisia because my doctor at the time didn’t know much about beta blockers. Emotions were there but quite manageable, and I was able to process them too.

I live in one of the richest country in the world an the amount you get on a disability pension is so high that it doesn’t pay off to work. Alll antipsychotics even the newest of the newest you can receive nearly for free because we’ve public health care. It is one of the most democratic an social equal societies in the world.

That’s what I like about Geodon. It handles your symptoms without dulling your brain. It does weaken you physically, though, but every ap, typical and atypical, does that.

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What country do you live in? How hard is it to get citizenship?

I live in nothern Europe and we are ready to be take our share of Ukrainian refuges. We consider them as our brave European brothers and sisters

Tetrer it’s very individual how meds works.And it’s all trial and error I’m sure that you can find an antipsychotics that fits you perfectly well.

Yeah im in an situation where im getting flupenexiol injections andmmy doctor dosnt want to switch my medications. She said she dosnt trust that i will take pills. I went tova doctor today to get another psychiatrist and they said the wait time is 1 year for a psychiatrist. So im not too sure what to do.

And where do you live, may I ask?

I live in the most just state in the world and the most democratic country in Europe