Stopping in to say hello to you all. How have you been doing? I’m still working on building furniture at my new place. Got a lot to do. My bed gets here on the 17th. Anyway, take care.
even me poor old Dr Zen
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especially you sweetie
hey @Leaf
good to hear you are busy at your new place =)
i been doing ok myself… had a walk with mobile team girl last tuesday and last monday went for 1.5 hour walk with my dad… so been busy this week huh =D
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Hi @Leaf do you like your new place?
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I haven’t spent a lot of time there other than to work. I haven’t got it fixed up nice yet so I’m still on the fence a little bit I guess. We’ll see once I get it how I want it.
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Good luck and have fun fixing it up how you like it. I really enjoy having my own space.
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