Second opinion

What is your experience with a second opinion.

I believe i got misdiagnosed, they also admit they don’t really know for sure… they just wrote in the file they suspect it. Meanwhile i have to keep taking meds i don’t really need.

Are there any things i need to consider for a second opinions … do’s and don’t ?


I don`t know, ask them “which side is you on” or something

This is mine to psychiatry : I’m interpreting it as if you want me to get worse.

/ Inch

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If you can hold yourself together without antipsychotics it’s probably worth a second opinion. You truly need stability though. A second opinion won’t do ■■■■ if you’re rattling strings on the wall. Sitting and standing and walking out the room constantly and talking to yourself. Me personally I dunno your situation but if you believe you’re not Ill it’s def worth a try! Always seek second opinions if you don’t agree with a doctors diagnosis or treatment/advice.


I would be as honest as possible with your pdoc for your own well being, even if that means that they may diagnose you as having disorder that may require meds. In the long run, it will probably be in your own self interests to be completely honest.

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I had 4th opinion so far.
All say the same


2nd opinion? I’ve had 3rd and 4th opinions and they are all different. I’ll listen to what they say but I take it with a grain of salt.

With regard to my illness the majority opinion has been schizophrenia so I go with that but depending on the doctor my diagnoses thus far have been…

  1. Paranoid Schizophrenia
  2. Schizoeffective Disorder
  3. Psychotic Depression
  4. Psychosis

I also spoke to 3 doctors within the last 2 years.

  1. First one wanted to put me on yet another medication
  2. Second one was happy with how I was doing and didn’t want to add any new medications.
  3. Third one said I was on too much medication

Those are the only 3 possibilities. I felt I was doing fine so I went with doctor #2

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