Horrible…sounded like a large pack or packs of coyotes had done a death circle around a young woman…part of me wants to go check…a bigger part of me says no it was probably a mountain lion or bobcat…still it sounded terrible…I hope it escaped…or at least found a tree…horrible noise…too close to human…makes all the hair on your body stand up…then add in the death circle…it made me want to run into the Forrest with my ax and sword…but its dark foggy and full of dogs…plus a mountain lion is no good at saying thank you…
the first rule of schizophrenia club:
don’t be a hero
The death circle is the absolute creepiest! Sorry, man, but not as sorry as I am for whatever they cornered.
Do you have barred owls? I’ve got a mated pair in the tree outside my window, and they sound absolutely eerie when they get to shrieking and cackling at each other.
When rabbits get caught by surprise they let out a loud screech that sounds like a womans screem. It is startling that such a quiet animal can let out such a blood curdling sound. When i was a teenager partying in the woods with friends we spent hours searching for what we thought was a woman being murdered only to find a fox that caught a couple rabbits. We thought we were about to be in somebody’s horror flick.
what does the fox say?
I dont know @sirBoring , what?
lol i don’t know. i live in the city.
only foxes are zoo escapists.
happy the fox didn’t hurt.
Tho s enjoy the life outside the city. Ive always enjoyed watching wildlife in nature. One of the most interesting things ive witnessed was a multiple male turkey “dance off” where they were vying for female affections. It was almost like they were choreographed going back and forth and around in circles feathers and tails plummed as big as they could get. It went on for hours it seemed. Never figured out who won tho, one of the times i really wish i had a video camera with me.
male turkeys dancing for attention.
boy! have the tables turned… lol lol
Ah hurt rabbit sounds is on the predator call I downloaded once…it was playing through my phone…through a mic into a guitar amp…from the roof…it works but its a terrible noise too…I don’t hunt so we were just watching I wanted to see how many coyotes lived close…not a good idea…
When I lived in Edinburgh there were tons of urban foxes - living in the middle of the city. Urban badgers too.